Add files to Visual Studio Publish that arent in project (VUE Scripts)

By default .dist.js files wont be copied as they are not included in the solution but are generated from webpack. Need to do the following:

To publish folder which are not “included” in the VS-Solution do:

right click the solution -> unload project
right click -> edit csproj file
add following code


Submit Post with error catch


Create new vue js with task Runner Razor MVC

Create new Project.

In the root of the project create the following files:
– webpack.config.js
– package.json

package.json (replace the default values within <<>>)


Open cmd and in the directory where package.json file is located. Run the following npm install

Add the following in the _layout.vbhtml file.

Now in visual studio Select ‘View’ -> ‘Other Windows’ -> ‘Task Runner Explorer’. Just run the ‘Run – Development’ task. Can even build while project is running.