Run Visual Studio as admin (need to run this to execute ps/iis scripts within)

Rightklick devenv.exe and choose Troubleshoot compatibility. In the new window click at Troubleshoot programm, then check The programm requires additional permission.

This forces the settings to administrator rights only, without running in compatibility mode.

Otherwise with other programs you should be able to right click and hit properties. There should be a compatibility tab. If not need to enable the compatibility tab in win 10.


“The terminal server has exceeded the maximum number of allowed connections”

If you ever receive the following; it means the terminal server can only accept a certain amount of simultaneous connections.


To get around this try the following:

mstsc /v:x.x.x.x /admin

Replace the x.x.x.x with the address of the terminal server.

After connecting you will need to log out the duplicate user.


Hope that helps 🙂

Data Execution Prevention workaround

If you ever get those applications that wont allow you to run more than one instance, try the following:

– Right click on “Computer” or “My Computer”
– Select “Advanced” or “Advanced System settings”
– Under Performance heading; select “Settings”
– Select “Data Execution Prevention”
– Select “Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select.
– Select “Add” and add the required programs to the list.
– Hit Ok

Hope that helps!! 🙂

Configure Windows Firewall for SQL Server

After a fresh install of an SQL instance, you may find you cannot connect to it from another machine on the network. It might be that the firewall is blocking it. Try the following on the server:

– Open Windows Firewall:
– Allow programs to connect
– Add sqlbrowser and sqlserver found in
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.[INSTANCENAME]\MSSQL\Binn\sqlservr.exe
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Shared\sqlbrowser.exe